[Desenvolvimento web do projeto]: Staged Visits to the Feira Castle 2018/Out Video report of the event developed by the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira in its Castle.
[Desenvolvimento web do projeto]: Heritage, Tourism & Sustainable Development Conference 2018/Abr Report, with interviews, held at the service of the Portuguese Military Tourism Association
[Trabalho desenvolvido como programador web]: Interview to Pedro Pinto, writer and TVI Journalist 2018/fev Interview with Pedro Pinto, at the Storytelling and Tourism Millitar Conference, Promoted by the Portuguese Military Tourism Association.
[Programação / Webdevelopment]: Storytelling and Military Tourism 2018/fev Video / report of a conference produced for the Portuguese Military Tourism Association.
[Programação do site]: Vimeiro Batle 2018/Jan Video report of the presentation ceremony of the Cultural Agenda of CIBV2018.