Argumento Cruzado - Information Technology


Magazine Travel in History

[Desenvolvimento web do projeto]: Magazine Travel in History


Development for the Portuguese Military Tourism Association of VIAGEM NA HISTORY – TURISMO MILITAR, a bilingual, biannual, national and international digital magazine, whose theme is the promotion of contents associated with national military history and heritage, providing continuity and prominence to the Military Tourism Route. This is yet another ATMPT communication brand serving the development and consolidation of military tourism in Portugal.

Interview to Pedro Pinto, writer and TVI Journalist

[Trabalho de programação low cost]: Interview to Pedro Pinto, writer and TVI Journalist


Interview with Pedro Pinto, at the Storytelling and Tourism Millitar Conference, Promoted by the Portuguese Military Tourism Association.

Vimeiro Batle

[Desenvolvimento Web Low cost]: Vimeiro Batle


Video report of the presentation ceremony of the Cultural Agenda of CIBV2018.
