[Desenvolvimento web do projeto]: Portuguese Military Tourism - ATMPT 2021 Development of a new website for the Portuguese Military Tourism Association and for the Military Tourism Guide.
[Desenvolvimento web do projeto]: Guimarães Castle 2018/Abril Visit to Guimarães Castle, with interview, held at the service of the Portuguese Military Tourism Association
[Desenvolvimento Web Low cost]: Torres Novas Castelo 2018/Mar Visit to Torres Novas Castle, with an interview, held at the service of the Portuguese Military Tourism Association
[Desenvolvimento Web Low cost]: Interview to Pedro Pinto, writer and TVI Journalist 2018/fev Interview with Pedro Pinto, at the Storytelling and Tourism Millitar Conference, Promoted by the Portuguese Military Tourism Association.
[Programação web do projeto]: Storytelling and Military Tourism 2018/fev Video / report of a conference produced for the Portuguese Military Tourism Association.
[Programação / Webdevelopment]: Words Unleashed 2005 CD-Rom multimédia e interactivo, com poemas de autores abrantinos com ilustrações das crianças do concelho de Abrantes.